Portraits of the Self as Tickets to Paradise
David Antonio Cruz, “bybeingcarefulofthecompanyyoukeep” (2016), oil on wood panel, 48 x 48 in (image courtesy the Artist and Gateway...
YOON JI SEON, two-faced
#ragface #yoonjiseon #yoon #yossimilo #newyork #chelseagallery #museemagazine #andreablanch #ragface2015
RAG FACE AT YOSSI MILO GALLERY © Yoon Ji Seon, Rag face #37 and Rag face #38, 2012 / Courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York Yossi Milo...
About the cover - Yoon Ji Seon: Rag face
Photography is as leveling as a baseball bat in a room full of fine china. A globalized technology almost from birth, wherever it...
Yoon Ji Seon's artwork featured on a coverage of Textiel Plus 233rd issue
Yoon Ji Seon's work - Rag face #57, 2013 featured on a coverage of Textiel 233rd issue. Textiel Plus is a Belgium/Dutch based magazine...
Paris Photo takes the medium out of the frame
Experimental works, including images reproduced on shoes, pictures covered in embroidery and mangled and burned prints, appeal to...
윤지선 인터뷰: 금기, 그게 뭔가요?
신수진(아래 신) 이 작품을 보고 ‘이게 사진인가?’라는 질문을 많이 받으실 것 같습니다. 윤지선(아래 윤) 전공은 회화였지만 처음 작업을 시작했을 때부터 사진을 적극적으로 활용해 왔습니다. 비전공자 입장에서 사진을 사용하는 것이 처음에는...